How Can I Track Leakage?

Tracking leakage has historically been performed one of two ways —

  1. Merchants can simply understand their chargebacks, where they came from, and what Issuers are driving what volume. But that’s extremely vague and prone to blind spots. It’s like saying that you know there’s a problem, but you don’t have a system in place for finding the root cause.

  2. Merchants can go a step further and marry all their Payments data into one place, like a spreadsheet or database. This allows you to compare chargebacks to Ethoca and Verifi Mitigation Services. In drilling deeper, you can pinpoint exactly which service isn’t working correctly. How to best combine and make sense of the data is another problem though—it’s a massive undertaking and slog. And once everything is married, Merchants need to continually monitor the metrics for points of leaking margin.

Leakage has been historically tracked in 2 different ways—just purely understanding chargebacks and where they came from; or marrying all of your Payments data together to understand which mitigation services are driving which chargebacks. 

The third way of tracking leakage is by using Slyce360. We marry all your data together and provide the alerts to catch leakage early. It takes all the time, effort, and pains out of spotting leakage and staying compliant.

May 23, 2024

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